
Privacy Policy

Astrovaidya operating under the name “Astrovaidya” on both its website and application, is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of all its users, including registered and unregistered individuals. We kindly request that you carefully peruse this privacy policy to comprehend how we will utilize the information you provide to us via the website.

This Privacy Policy is made available in compliance with Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011, and the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011. These regulations mandate the publication of a Privacy Policy for the collection, utilization, storage, and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.

User's Consent

This Privacy Policy, subject to periodic updates or amendments, covers the collection of personal identification, contact details, birth details, and any predictions generated from the supplied information. By accessing and utilizing this website, you signify your understanding of these terms and explicitly consent to its privacy policy. If you disagree with the terms outlined herein, we kindly request that you refrain from using this website.

Your continued use of this website indicates your unconditional consent and agreement to the terms outlined in this privacy policy regarding the collection, maintenance, utilization, processing, and disclosure of your personal and other information, as stipulated herein. Please read this Privacy Policy in conjunction with the respective Terms of Use and any other provided terms and conditions on the website.

Collection of Personal Information

Registering a user profile with Astrovaidya entails furnishing specific information. Mandatory details include your phone number for OTP (One-Time Password) verification, which is essential for ensuring the security and validity of the registration process. Additionally, you are encouraged, but not required, to provide your first name, last name, and date of birth (DOB) as optional information. The date of birth is considered optional and does not hinder the registration process if not provided.

Purpose and Use of Data/Information Collection

The collection of this information allows Astrovaidya to create personalized user profiles tailored to individual preferences. However, if you choose not to provide your date of birth, it will not impact the registration process, and you can still access the services offered by Astrovaidya with a verified phone number.


Astrovaidya is committed to safeguarding the privacy of all users, whether registered or visitors. Personally identifiable information collected is used for specific predictions, and no direct or indirect use of this information beyond the prediction communication is undertaken. Astrovaidya does not engage in selling or renting information provided to the website.

Astrovaidya does not offer solutions or support for users with mental health issues, including those contemplating self-harm or suicide. Such users are strongly advised to cease using the website immediately. Any continued use by such individuals is at their own risk, and Astrovaidya holds no liability for any untoward events. Information provided by such users may be shared with law enforcement authorities as required and is not protected by nondisclosure or confidentiality agreements with the website or any third parties.

Astrovaidya does not guarantee the accuracy of astrologers’ predictions or the reliability of gems and related items sold on the website. No warranties are provided for such services by Astrovaidya.

Information Collected by Website

Astrovaidya collects both personally identifiable information and non-personal identifiable information from users.

Personal Identifiable Information: This category includes information that identifies a specific end user. Such information is collected during actions like creating an account/registration, booking a paid service, log files, IP address, and cookies.

Non-Personal Identifiable Information: This type of information does not identify a specific end user and is collected when users visit the website, including URL data, internet service provider/IP address/telecom service provider, browser type, and geographical location.

Security Measures: Astrovaidya takes various security measures to protect user information, including physical and electronic safeguards. Personal information is stored on secured servers, and payment details are handled through secure SSL channels. While every effort is made to secure data transmission, users are advised to exercise caution in sharing their details, including login information.

Usage of Information: Information collected by Astrovaidya may be used for various purposes, including providing personalized browsing experiences, research, marketing and promotional efforts, content improvement, and customization.

IP tracking and cookies data are used to facilitate website usage. Information may also be retained for statutory, legal, tax, evidentiary, and other reasonable purposes.

Confidential: Astrovaidya respects the confidentiality of information provided by users. Confidential information not required by the website will not be collected or used. Confidential information will only be disclosed in specific circumstances, such as threats to a user’s health, legal requirements, or protection of the website’s rights or property.

Children Privacy Policy: Astrovaidya requires users to be above 18 years of age, although some service information may be accessible to children under 18. The website is not designed for or intended to attract users under 13, and no personal information from such children is knowingly collected.

Safety and Security: Astrovaidya places a high priority on user privacy and employs encryption methodologies to ensure secure transactions, encouraging users to use their credit/debit cards on the website with confidence.


Astrovaidya is not responsible for communication between users and third-party websites. Users are advised to review the privacy policies and other terms of third-party websites, and Astrovaidya is not liable for actions taken solely because a link to a third-party website was provided on its pages.

We believe in improving the life of Man by the help of knowledge and so does the branch of Astrology, where you will find numerous remedies and healing areas that are used for it. 

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